
How To Clean A Telescope Mirror

Telescope eyes become dirty with use, just like any other items.

This can be disheartening because you lot want to continue your telescope looking like it'southward brand new and has merely been unpacked. To restore its mirror or lens, yous should clean information technology in the correct way.

What happens if you lot don't make clean your telescope lens?

When clay accumulates on a lens or mirror, it causes the low-cal to scatter. The result is that you end upward seeing celestial objects that don't expect as clear as they should.

While it might seem like a daunting job to have to clean your telescope'southward mirror or lens, it really doesn't accept to exist. Follow this guide to ensure that it's easy and doesn't cause any damage to your telescope.


  • How To Clean Your Refractor Telescope Lens
    • The Best Cleaning Solution For Telescope Lenses
    • How To Prevent Dirty Lenses In Time to come
    • What Happens If Dirt Is Trapped Inside The Lens?
  • How To Clean Your Reflector Telescope Mirror
  • What Happens If The Mirror Is Still Dirty?
    • Here'due south what you'll need
    • Instructions
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    • What tin can y'all use if you don't have a telescope cap?
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How To Clean Your Refractor Telescope Lens

Be very careful when cleaning your telescope lens. Household detergents are dangerous equally they can damage the lens and reduce its quality.

The all-time way to proceed your lens clean is to use a brush that's fabricated with camel hair, which is soft so it won't cause scratches on the lens. You can find these brushes in photographic camera stores.

Yet, it's been said (via Sky at Night ) that an air blower is an effective way to remove particles such as grit from the refractor telescope's lens.

This provides a loftier-powered blast of air to remove grit and other particles, but it'south non enough – yous'll accept to finish off the cleaning procedure with a special lens solution.

Note: a high-powered seedling air blower is useful, but you should remove its brush zipper as that could transfer more than dirt to the lens that you're trying to clean.

The Best Cleaning Solution For Telescope Lenses

In the case of stubborn stains, the best way to clean your telescope lens is to use a lens cleaning solution that's made upward of pure isopropyl alcohol or methyl alcohol. You can also find lens pens that are very convenient to utilize.

These are soft solvent-doused cleaning pads that are retractable, and then they're perfect for removing tiny flecks and stains more accurately.

However, when y'all desire to clean the lens with a solution like the one listed above, you should never put it directly onto the lens.

If you do, the liquid can accumulate around the edges of the lens and this tin cause stains in places you won't exist able to reach. Instead, always utilise the solution to the cleaning pad. An effective cleaning pad to use is a pure cotton cloth.

How To Preclude Dirty Lenses In Future

The all-time way to prevent your telescope lens from becoming muddy in future is to ensure that you e'er keep its lens cap on when you're not using the telescope! This will ensure that grit and dirt can't accomplish the lens and cause distortions in what y'all see in the night heaven.

When y'all're treatment and using your telescope, information technology'southward essential that yous avoid touching the lens or mirror surface. This is considering your skin'south oils can cause the optical coatings to dethrone over time.

If information technology happens that you touch the surface and leave a fingerprint, make sure you wipe information technology off immediately – yous tin can utilise the previously-mentioned solution.

It's worth mentioning that you lot shouldn't obsess over a few dust particles that are on your telescope lens, unless in that location are many of them. It'due south better to exit them lone every bit they won't go in the mode of your heaven views.

What Happens If Clay Is Trapped Inside The Lens?

Now, this is a trickier situation and one that's best left to a professional. While it's tempting to take autonomously the telescope, this should non be undertaken.

The reason why is considering you'll have to cock the lens and if you practice it too roughly it volition crusade the edge of the lens to fissure.

How To Clean Your Reflector Telescope Mirror

We've looked at how you tin can effectively clean the lens of your telescope, but what about its mirror?

Yous'll detect mirrors in a type of telescope chosen reflectors. These utilise mirrors instead of lenses in order to focus the light. There are normally 2 mirrors in a reflector.

To clean the mirrors of your reflector telescope, you lot will have to disassemble it. This is something that you shouldn't practice lightly so simply commit to information technology if your mirrors are really dirty. If yous have to make clean them, hither are the steps to follow.

  • Beginning, you desire to unscrew the screws that attach the main mirror's cells to the stop of the telescope tube.
  • Carefully attain in the back and pull out the prison cell. Yous'll see information technology has the mirror inside.
  • Undo the clips that are keeping the mirror in place. Then, button the mirror out the back. Be careful not to touch its surface!
  • Remove the holder that keeps the small, secondary, mirror in the forepart of the tube and accept it out of its holder.
  • Once y'all've removed the mirrors, you will need to head into the kitchen because you need to make use of your kitchen sink.
  • Ensure that your kitchen sink is clean, then place a towel in information technology.
  • Put the outset mirror on it. Brand certain the mirror is facing upward.
  • Blast the mirror with warm water from the tap to remove any dust on its surface. This is important because you don't desire to rub the mirror as that can cause small cracks to form on its surface.
  • Turn off the tap and wash the mirror with a chip of distilled water so that it won't exit any mineral deposits on information technology one time the mirror has dried.
  • Put the mirror on a folded towel on its edge to allow it air dry.
  • Echo this with your second mirror if your telescope has one.

What Happens If The Mirror Is Even so Dingy?

What Happens If The Mirror Is Still Dirty?

Y'all'll accept to exercise a flake of a deeper make clean!

Here'south what you'll need

  • Towel
  • Sink
  • H2o
  • Liquid detergent
  • Cotton ball


  • Put the towel dorsum into your kitchen sink and identify the mirror on it, facing upwardly.
  • Fill one-half the sink with warm water.
  • Put in a few squirts of gentle liquid deterrent and let the mirror sit in the h2o for up to 10 minutes.
  • Later, you lot want to hold it under the water and move it around a bit so that y'all can wash off any droppings.
  • With a wad of cotton, gently swab the mirror in i direction and without putting too much pressure on information technology. Always use wet cotton fiber as it will be much less abrasive than if information technology's dry.
  • Then, yous can bleed your sink simply practice i last blast of water on the mirror: run it under warm water for lx seconds.
  • Rinse it with distilled water, then identify information technology on a towel to dry.
  • You can go ahead and follow the same steps with your secondary mirror.


  • Always make certain you make clean the mirrors separately to preclude them from touching or scuffing each other.
  • Never rub the wet cotton wool wool across the mirror's surface as that can scratch it.
  • When you reinstall the mirrors, you'll take to collimate your telescope once more. This is another proficient reason why you should simply make clean it when you lot actually need to.
  • To prevent the mirrors from being damaged when they are air-drying, yous should place a towel over your dish rack and then prop the mirrors in it then that they will stay upright.

What happens if your eyepiece coatings have been discolored?

This can happen from fingerprint and eyelash oil, only the adept news is that they don't decrease the performance of the eyepiece (via Sky and Telescope).

What tin you utilize if you don't have a telescope cap?

Make your own with a shower cap, dishcloth, or plastic bag. These can be used to cover the front of the telescope tube to protect it. Continue them in place with a rubber band.


The sight of dust on your telescope lens or mirror is plenty to make yous worry that its quality is decreasing.

But, as we've seen in this commodity, you shouldn't worry too much about a little bit of dust. If you have more than a flake of dust, or other marks on your lens/mirror, and then y'all should clean information technology by following the steps we outlined in this commodity.

The most important thing to practise is take your time and work slowly. When it comes to how to clean telescope mirror and lens, it'southward important to treat them with the utmost care!


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